Witch-ing you a spooktacular Halloween! This October, may your treats be many and your tricks be few. May the fall season bring you incredible adventures and fun.

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2022 Fall Festival
Every Saturday in October 

The Fall Festival is our premier event featuring all your favorite activities and a whole lot of fun. The corn maze, pumpkin patch, scarecrow factory and more will help you celebrate Fall and the bounty of the farm harvest.
October 27

Come Trick-or-Treat with over 50 local businesses and organizations under the giant cottonwoods at Mills Park. Check out the great displays and cast your vote for the best decorated booth. There will be food trucks, activities and more! 
2022 Nevada Day Weekend
October 28 - 29

Each October, Nevadans turn their attention to the state capitol, Carson City, home of the “official” Nevada Day Parade. Since 1938, the Nevada Day Parade in Carson City has been an annual coming together to celebrate Nevada’s heritage and the founding of this great state on October 31, 1864! Make it a weekend in Carson City with great events all weekend long!
Red’s Bar and Grill 3rd Annual Trunk-or-Treat! 
October 31

It’s that time again! We are super excited to be able to host a Trunk-or-Treat for the 3rd year in a row! Please join us in making this event spooktacular for the kids of Fernley. We will be looking for volunteers to decorate a trunk, candy donations, and items that could be used for prizes. We have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize that the kids get to vote on.

Buyer’s Bonanza: The 10 Very Best Cities in America for Home Shoppers Right Now

To come up with a “buyer’s bonanza” ranking, we analyzed housing data from the nation’s 250 largest cities.

We looked at the price per square foot compared with the local median income (to ensure residents can afford to become homeowners); how many days a home spends on the market (to assess how quickly homes are selling and whether sellers might be ready to negotiate); the percentage of sellers cutting prices, and the number of homes for sale relative to the total number of households in the city.

This last metric makes sure bigger cities with more homes for sale given their size don’t skew the rankings.

Finally, we limited our list to just one city per state to ensure geographic diversity.

#7: Reno, NV

source: https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/buyers-bonanza-10-best-cities-in-america-for-home-shoppers-right-now/

Oh, by the way – If you or any of your friends or relatives are thinking about buying or selling a home, we’d love to be of service to you. So when you think of these people, just give us a call with their name and number. We will give them the same level of service you have come to expect. Thanks!